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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes 06-07-12
7312012_40043_0.pngBolton Parks & Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 7, 2012
7:00 p.m.                                         [Duration:  3 hrs ]
Bolton Town Hall/Upstairs
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Invitees / Attendees

 * In Attendance             # Unexpected Absence             @ Expected Absence               + Visitor                 
Karen Regan
Neal Darcy, Bolton Celebrates
Lori Colby
Joyce Sidopoulos
Tom Wildman
Amy Balewicz

Decision Description
Approved By
Motion to allocate up to $1,000 toward the annual maintenance and Town Beach cleanup.

Motion Proposed by:  Wildman
Seconded by:  Colby
Regan, Wildman, Colby
Motion to allocate up to $1,000 toward the new sign for the Town Beach to post water testing results and operating information.

Motion Proposed by:  Wildman
Seconded by:  Regan
Regan, Wildman, Colby
Motion to provide existing portable bathroom units at Memorial Field and the addition of a wash station for the Fourth of July Celebration.
Motion Proposed by:  Wildman
Seconded by:  Colby
Regan, Wildman, Colby
Motion to allow Neal Darcy, on behalf of Bolton Celebrates, to use Memorial Field and the related facilities, for the Fourth of July celebration.
Motion Proposed by:  Wildman
Seconded by:  Regan
Regan, Wildman, Colby
Motion to assume cost for second portable bathroom unit at Memorial Field.
Motion Proposed by:  Wildman
Seconded by:  Regan
Regan, Wildman, Colby
Action Items

Due Date
Arrange time to meet with contractor at Town Beach to secure quotes for annual cleanup and expansion project.
Purchase sign for Town Beach and coordinate with DPW to install.
Contact Linda and let her know that the beach complies with the requirements outlined in the lease sent by the Boy Scouts.
Order beach closure signs (two)
Post swim instructor position on Craig’s List
Secure contact information for swim instructor candidate so Tom can follow up.
Order wash station for the Fourth of July
Approved Meeting Minutes

K. Regan
J.  Sidopoulos
T. Wildman
L. Colby
A. Balewicz

Agenda/Meeting Notes
  • Pond Park
  • Status update on amendments and conservation commission meeting
Karen has not created the amendment for the Pond Park annual maintenance plan.  The amendment should include the right to mow the wetland plants in the fall, after the plants have gone to seed.  Karen mentioned that she may hold off on the amendments and focus on the formal renovation plan instead.  The project will be costly so Karen will create a phased plan.  She will circulate it to the team when it’s completed for feedback/input.
  • Town Beach
  • Pond clean up/arrange meeting with contractor
Karen to schedule a time to meet with the contractor at the Town Beach to discuss the approved annual maintenance as well as the expansion project that is currently in review with the conservation commission.  The Commission approved up to $1,000 to spend on the cleanup project.  Karen will get quotes for the annual maintenance as well as the expansion project.
  • Board of Health paperwork update/new signage
Karen informed the Commission that the Board of Health paperwork had been processed and that she received, via the Parks and Recreation email, the first water test results.  Per the new regulations, the Commission needs to purchase a sign to post information about the beach operator, water testing process and results.  The Commission reviewed the sign options provided by Wildman.  The Commission agreed on a sign and a location to place it.  The sign will be placed on the beach side of the parking fence, but not interfering with the grassy playing area at the top of the hill.
  • 2012 lease
Karen to contact Linda Day and inform her that we are in compliance with the lease agreement from the Boy Scouts for the 2012 use of the Town Beach.  The lease payment of $1.00 is due by July 1, 2012.
  • Process Review: beach closure/water results postings
Tom worked out the process of posting the water results at the Town Beach with the head guard.  The Commission discussed the process of posting a beach closure.  Including the notice on our new sign did not seem enough so the Commission agreed to also include a sign on the back of the guard chair.  Tom will order the signs for the beach.
  • Lifeguard update
Tom updated the Commission on Tuesday’s lifeguard meeting.  Linda Day and Donna Madden attended to discuss the timesheet process.  Linda and Donna will manage the process and a signature from the Commission is no longer needed.  Lifeguards will start on June 16, 2012.  Tom has ordered all new buoy lines and has worked out a lap swim area.  It will be up to the lifeguard on duty’s discretion to open the lap area, dependent on coverage.  Tom ordered enough line to cover the expansion area, once approved and completed.
  • Swim Lessons
  • Update on registration numbers
Numbers are still low for the higher levels.  Next year the Commission will discuss adding more classes for the younger swimmers.
  • Status on recruitment efforts for new instructor
The Commission is still searching for an instructor for the 2012 season.  Karen may have two possible candidates, but is waiting for a response.  Lori plans to post the position on Craig’s List to identify candidates.  Tom asked Karen if she could get the phone number for the instructor she had identified so he could follow up.
  • Persons Park
  • Update on planning
Lori updated the team on her work on the Persons Park project.  Lori attended a grant writing class in Lancaster and has secured the necessary paperwork to begin drafting a request.  The submission deadline is July 1, 2012.  Lori also scheduled a site meeting with Harold Brown, Jennifer Atwood and Carol Gumbart.  Everyone had great ideas and suggestions for the property.  Lori also met with a local resident with expertise in developing conservation lands into useable properties.  He agreed to help Lori/the Commission create a plan.
  • Memorial Day Observance
  • Event recap
The Commission agreed that the Memorial Day Observance went very well.  The Commission discussed purchasing tables and table clothes to use annually for the event.
  • Field Facility Scheduling
  • Review event request from Bolton Celebrates for 4th of July
Neal Darcy met with the Commission to discuss the portable bathroom needs for the Fourth of July Celebration.  The Commission agreed to keep the units currently at the field through July 4, 2012 and add a wash station for the event.  The Commission also voted to allow Neal Darcy, on behalf of Bolton Celebrates, to use Memorial Field and the related facilities, for the Fourth of July celebration.
  • Admin
  • Approve April minutes
  • Expenses
  • Budget review
Commission agreed to pay for the second portable unit at Memorial Field since more groups outside of just the baseball leagues used the facilities.  Tom reviewed the budget with the Commission and informed the team that we would have between $1,400 and $1,900 available in the remainder of the fiscal year to spend.
  • Determine Purchases
The Commission discussed equipment and supply needs to fulfill prior to the end of the fiscal year.  Lori mentioned that the money could be used to improve the site line at the driveway entrance to Persons Park.  Tom mentioned using the money toward more picnic tables (two).  Karen provided a list of items of purchases, including: bulbs and trees for Pond Park; landscape services/Pond Park; hitch post and water pump replacements for Pond Park; stone bench for Pond Park; folding tables and table clothes for events; additional thermos and pop up tents.  The team agreed that the Pond Park purchases should wait until we have a formal plan, excluding the water pump and hitching post.  Lori will contact Harold Brown to get a quote on the site line clearing at Persons Park and the team will schedule a follow up meeting to determine how to spend the remaining funds.  Tom also mentioned that the playground surfacing at Memorial Field needed to be replaced, but it would cost more than $2,000 so we would need to budget for that next year.  Tom also mentioned purchases that could help with our event planning.  Lori suggested trash cans for candy donations and baskets for Trick-or-Treat Lane.
  • July Meeting
Due to vacation schedules, the Commission agreed to plan the next meeting for August.  The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. upstairs at the Town Hall.  If needed, the Commission will schedule a meeting in July.

Movie Night
According to Lori, Joel Bates is moving ahead with the movie night plans.